February 1, 2011

... in a land far,far away ...

It was a matter of time, and I have to admit it... I knew it will happen sooner or later.

The App Inventor told me he pretended to do something with mobile devices and blog about it, and it was obvious for anyone who knew us that I was going to follow his steps. I was doing my little experiments with mobile phones since J2ME times, but I never have found the time and the idea to "be in the business". Perhaps that's why I'm not rich... or perhaps is my lazyness... whatever...

I was talking about not finding time or ideas... Time is still hard to find, but The App Inventor is a guy full of ideas. Unfortunately not all of those ideas are great, nor even good, but sometimes he finds a good one, it's a matter of statistics. On the other side, I have almost no ideas so I can't have good ones.

So we started to create a mobile application... but not a plain "hello world", just something with multiple screens, scrolling, data storage, webscrapping (if you can't find a webservice you have to scrap) and perhaps some usage of phone capabilites like gps. And the aim of the application is not making money (still!) but learning from the inside.

I've found some time today to play and build a little prototype of our first app, testing Matteo Spinelli's iScroll and putting it together with my own CSS, some scrapping code in JS and jquerymobile... but I haven't found the time to write about that, so I promise to try tomorrow.

Stay tuned!

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